Mindful Eating
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Weight Loss
Soy, a member of the pea family, is a subtropical plant that originated in Southeast Asian. For at least 5,000 years it has been a dietary staple in Asian countries. In the 1700 and 1800s soy spread to Europe and America. Now half of all soybean production takes place in the Midwestern United States. (Mayo Clinic)
In recent years soy has been credited with many health benefits ranging from cardiovascular health to weight loss and menopause relief. These claims were made on preliminary evidence however, actual evidence is week and more research is necessary.
There is no evidence that pills containing isoflavones extracted from soybeans offer benefits, and some studies raise concerns about harmful side effects.
What we know for sure:
Common Sources of Soy: roasted soybean, green soybean, tempeh, tofu, soy flour, miso, soy butter, soy ice cream, soy milk, soy yogurt, soy cheese, soy noodles, bean curd, and seitan,.
Craving a serving of soy? Here are 26 easy tofu recipes from the Savvy Vegetarian.
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