Mindful Eating
Mindful Living
Weight Loss
At 1:14 AM E.D.T. the sun crossed directly over Earth’s equator, marking the changing of seasons from winter to spring in the Northern hemisphere. In celebration of this wondrous season of abundance, please enjoy this poetic excerpt from Thay:
Last week I celebrated International Women’s Day by considering all of the great women who work diligently each day to bring more love into their homes, communities, and the world at large: mothers, sisters, friends, teachers, activists, volunteers, authors, and more.
Women make up 73 percent of professionals in the nonprofit sector, 76 percent of public school teachers and 94 percent of nurses in the United States. Whether in our professional or personal life, we devote much of our attention to caring for others.
Our global community is stuck in a cycle of unhealthy suffering. We treat our bodies like afterthoughts, and as a result, we are in the midst of a tragic obesity epidemic. It is clear that diets aren’t working, yet we continue to deprive ourselves of food, only to gain more weight. (For statistics on the inefficacy of dieting, watch the Hungry for Less video below.)
I offer you this blog as a place to begin if you are new to mindfulness, and a place to return if you are a meditator who has fallen out of practice. We all face hardships that sometimes block us from our internal light. Please use this post to touch base with yourself and begin afresh. In this moment, you have everything necessary to live fully and truly.
A delicious yet simple greek recipe by Diane Kochilas, as presented at the Culinary Institute of America's 2012 Worlds of Healthy Flavors Retreat.
Eighty-three year old Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh travels the world teaching and remains vibrant, clear and energized. An integral part of his routine is mindful eating.
The monks, nuns and Thay sit together to eat mindfully and joyfully at every meal. This is a time of communion with the earth and all its inhabitants. As they serve themselves food, they see that the entire universe, (rain, sunshine, earth, air and love) is supporting their existence.
Food packaging and diet trends can be misleading. Marketing materials often lead us to believe that if we eat low-fat foods, we will be low fat too. But for many people, low-fat diets just don’t work.
‘Tis the season of kale. Famers along the west coast of America are harvesting this cool-weather crop right now.
In the powerful voice of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we hear suffering and strength. This combination is so truly human, it reaches through time and space to tug on our common thread and touch our hearts.
Do you find yourself stuck somewhere between making healthful New Year's intentions and implementing them? Mindfulness practice can help bridge this gap. When we are aware, we can change long-ingrained patterns without condemning or depriving ourselves.
SAVOR: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life. Copyright © 2025 by Thich Nhat Hanh and Lilian Cheung. All Rights Reserved. Please review our terms of use
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