Mindful Eating
Mindful Living
Weight Loss
With the food-filled holidays well behind us, the arrival of March—National Nutrition Month—is a great reminder to pledge ourselves to eating more mindfully. This month, let’s concentrate on cultivating and fostering our mindful eating habits, with the goal to continue the practice throughout the year—no matter the month or the season.
Eat for our health using reputable, science-based guidance.
Personal distractions and our toxic food environment aside, we are constantly bombarded with nutrition-misinformation. In a media landscape filled with health crazes, fad diets, and buzz words, it’s important to look closely at the source. For example, The Nutrition Source from the Harvard School of Public Heatlh provides evidence-based nutrition information, free from advertising and commercial sponsorship.
Enjoy and savor our food by eating slowly and without distraction.
Put down the smart phone, turn off the TV, and reserve a time to only eat. Notice the taste, aroma, texture, and mouthfeel of each s-l-o-w bite. It’s incredible how one bite can taste totally different than the next in the same bowl of salad.
Appreciate the support of nature and all the hard work involved to have the food that we eat.
Sticking with a simple bowl of salad—think of the many elements it took to put together. From the mixed greens, to the tomatoes and avocado, each has a different story. They arrived and traveled differently, just as they were harvested and grown differently. Sun, farmers, rain, chefs, wind, and store clerks all working in harmony—not as “simple” as it first appears.
Be grateful for the availability of our daily meals.
Remember that the UN estimates that there are about 870 million people suffering from persistent, chronic hunger every day. That's 12% of the world’s population.
Eat for the health of our planet.
Not only is eating a plant-based diet good for ourselves, it is also better for the planet. Meat has more of an impact on the environment simply because livestock require so much more water, food, land, and energy to raise and transport.
Minimize our daily food waste.
Mindful eating starts with mindful choices. How often do we impulse-buy more than we need at the grocery store, or order larger portions in a restaurant than we can actually finish?
Do the best we can in our daily routines to minimize climate change.
Beyond eating a plant-based diet, think of everything else food-related that may have a potential effect on our climate. From buying local in order to reduce food miles, to packing our lunches in reusable glassware instead of disposable plastic bags, every conscious choice is a step in the right direction.
A special thanks to Flickr user woodleywonderworks for this wonderful spring photo.
SAVOR: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life. Copyright © 2025 by Thich Nhat Hanh and Lilian Cheung. All Rights Reserved. Please review our terms of use
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