Editor's blog

Lilian's Simple Spring Breakfast

simple spring breakfast

I enjoy mindfully preparing and eating this breakfast on spring, summer, or even on fall mornings when I need to fix a fast breakfast.

The nut or soy butter is a good source of healthy protein.  The blueberries are naturally sweet and loaded with antioxidants, and the whole grain bread is a good source of fiber and minerals.

How can I get over being so judgmental?

Q. How can I get over being so judgmental?

A. When we look at a human being, we look deeply enough to see that an individual is made of many elements: society, education, parents, ancestors, culture and so on. If we don’t see all these elements, we don’t fully see the person. If he has the tendency to behave in a negative manner, it doesn’t mean that he liked to behave that way, but that he may be a victim of transmission. The negative seeds in him may have been transmitted to him by his society, his parents, his ancestors, or his culture.

Q & A with Thich Nhat Hanh. Can we be mindfully busy?

Thich Nhat Hanh Q & A

Q.  How can we practice consistent mindfulness in a world that seems to demand hurrying and rushing wherever we go? Is it possible to be mindfully busy and mindfully hurried?

Gary Null Show Live Today


Today at 12:30 pm EST I will be a guest on the Gary Null Show. The Show will be broadcast live on WNYE-NPR in NYC. You can listen in on Progressive Radio Network and NPR. You can also find a recording archived at Gary Null's website. Enjoy!


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