weight loss

Overcoming Exercise Barriers—Step by Step

There are very few activities during our daily lives that keep us totally connected to the present moment without constant practice. Eating can be interrupted by a ringing phone or text, and working can be interrupted by a barrage of pressing emails. However when we engage in exercise and movement, we are automatically bound to that activity, in the flow of every step, jump, stroke, sprint—every moment.

Weight Loss & Mindful Eating: Resources & Advice fom Mondo Samu

In our first interview with Mondo Samu, we asked him how it feels to have lost 100lbs with mindful eating and living over the last year. He spoke of mental and physical agility and stamina + how mindfulness has improved his relationships. Here we dig a little deeper - he shares with us what tools and knowledge have been most helpful in this journey.

Interview with Mondo Samu Part 1: How losing 100 lbs through mindful eating has changed his life.

In this interview series we speak with Mondo Samu: a husband, father, devoted Savor reader and student of Thich Nhat Hanh who has lost over 100 lbs practicing mindful living. 

Savor: In your blog- you equate the amount of weight you’ve lost to the weight of 5 spare tires. Wow! How do you feel physically, mentally & emotionally, having lost 100 pounds?

Coconut Water: Miracle Drink?

cocnut water

There is a lot of hype about coconut water and health—search the web and you'll find claims that drinking coconut water boosts the immune system, helps with weight loss, prevents aging, or lowers the risk of cancer. The research is just not there to support these claims, and much more research is needed.

Has an unhealthy breakfast food purchased a premium spot on your pantry's shelf?

doughnut, unhealthy breakfast foods, fattening

We experience thousands of marketing messages each day. Sensory stimuli constantly compete for our attention and our dollars. So much so, that we begin to forget what an effect these messages have on our decisions.

How To Stick With Your Exercise Plan

trails, walking, exercise, mindful walking, mindfulness

If you find that you have fallen away from your exercise plan for a day, a week, even a month, do not judge yourself harshly as a failure. Just start again. Everyday is a new day, an opportunity for a new beginning. You can begin anew every moment.

Mindful Eating: Seasonal Food Choices

strawberries, eat seasonal, season food, mindful eating

"when I go shopping, when I cook, and when I eat, I shall give rise to mindfulness and not bring into my body the kind of food which makes me heavy and unwell."

– Thich Nhat Hanh

Top 10 Sources of Sodium & Tasty Tricks to Avoid Them

cheese, salt, sodium

Americans ingest too much salt and it’s threatening our health. So how do we cut down? Salt is ingrained in our habit energy around eating and we must consciously form new healthy patterns.


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