mindful breathing

A Pocket-Sized Reminder

Have you ever walked along a road, trail, or beach when a small stone caught your eye? Perhaps it was the unique shape, color, beauty, or the ways it reflected the sunlight, but for whatever reason you were moved to pick it up. Maybe you even took it with you as a reminder of that place or moment.

A Truly Mindful Snack

When hunger arises, a small, healthy snack can be quite satisfying. Something as simple as a handful of mixed nuts can be enough to tide you over, helping you approach your next meal without feeling the urge to overeat.  

De-Stress Instantly at Work


During an eight-hour workday we each take about 8,000 breaths. This is great news. We have 8,000 opportunities to touch peace, creativity and productivity.

Savoring Sickness

mindful sickness

Each moment bears a unique opportunity to connect with ourselves and our world. Even as the Kleenex mountains rise and bedside elixirs accumulate, we can invite peace into the moment.

Sickness offers ample opportunity for mindfulness practice; we’re faced with impermanence (the fleeting nature of health highlighted), forced to let go of plans, expectations, ego… and reminded how grateful we are for our beautiful, functioning bodies.

Cultivating the Power to Cut Off Mindfully

Suffering is universal, and if we really think about it, we all know what makes us suffer. Often we are stuck to it, and we feel that we have no power—no courage—to cut off from the roots of our suffering.

But we can cultivate the spiritual power to transform our cravings, our anger, our frustration, our suffering and our despair!  We can transform all of our afflictions, because like everything else in the universe, they are impermanent.

When we are able to cut off from suffering, we become free people.  In this freedom, we find happiness.

The Joy of Dancing

Incorporating mindful movement/exercise into our lives should always be this fun! Dance is a natural, dynamic form of expression that can also provide quite a work out.

The mental release provoked by dance is often good for clearing the mind, allowing us to focus on and enjoy movement. Opportunities to experience dance are countless and ever expanding, so you can find a style that works toward your healthy living goals.

Two forms of dance I’ve recently become fond of are:

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