mindful eating

Savoring Soy

soy beans

Soy, a member of the pea family, is a subtropical plant that originated in Southeast Asian. For at least 5,000 years it has been a dietary staple in Asian countries. In the 1700 and 1800s soy spread to Europe and America. Now half of all soybean production takes place in the Midwestern United States. (Mayo Clinic)

Gab with the Gurus: Dr. Lilian Cheung on Mindful Eating

Connie Bennett
March 18, 2011
Gab with the Gurus

Dr. Cheung explains mindful eating and the important role it plays in our personal and collective recovery from obesity. Looking for ways to break unhealthy habits? In this interview, Dr. Cheung tells us how.

Savoring Sweets

sweets, dessert, savor sweets

Photo by Simon Howden from FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Mindful eating is not only for foods  that are “good for us.” In fact, sweets are some of the best foods to savor as they are so rich in flavor.

Why We Eat Mindfully

Mindful eating is an effective way to incorporate mindfulness into one of the most fundamental activities of our existence.

Mindful eating nourishes our bodies and minds.

Delicious Whole Grain Recipe: Tomato Bulgur Pilaf

tomatoes, whole grain bulgur pilaf

 Whole grains contain minerals, vitamins, healthy fats and fiber.  Many studies find that eating whole grains is associated with lower heart disease and diabetes risk.


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