Lilian's blog

Coconut Water: Miracle Drink?

cocnut water

There is a lot of hype about coconut water and health—search the web and you'll find claims that drinking coconut water boosts the immune system, helps with weight loss, prevents aging, or lowers the risk of cancer. The research is just not there to support these claims, and much more research is needed.

Q & A With Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh

We are starting a new feature in our Blog.  Each week, we will share with you a question that has been posed to Thich Nhat Hanh and his answer to the question.  We welcome your thoughts on the question and his response.

Your inMoving Plan

exercise, biking, in moving plan

Nowadays, we tend to sit more, staring at the screen instead of moving around. Create your own inMoving plan  to help you stay active and feel better by asking yourself a few questions:

1. Why do you want to be more physically active?

2. How do you feel when you are really sedentary, sitting almost the whole day?

Why We Eat Mindfully

Mindful eating is an effective way to incorporate mindfulness into one of the most fundamental activities of our existence.

Mindful eating nourishes our bodies and minds.

Crop Mob!

crop mob

Savor loves Crop Mob: Community Farming to Promote Health

Crop Mobs like this one in North Carolina, are groups of people who love to farm and want to support the local farming community. Many members are young, without their own land to farm. They commune whenever a member calls the Crop Mob together (they hear of a farmer who could use a little help), and plant, harvest, process...whatever the farmer needs.

Pantry Makeover: Whole Grains

wheat, grains, whole grains

Much of the grains we consume these days are milled, and therefore stripped of many of the nutrients our body needs. Wheat for instance, loses half of its B vitamins, 90 percent of its vitamin E, and virtually all of its fiber in the milling process. Fortification adds back some, but not all, of the lost nutrients.

The Joy of Dancing

Incorporating mindful movement/exercise into our lives should always be this fun! Dance is a natural, dynamic form of expression that can also provide quite a work out.

The mental release provoked by dance is often good for clearing the mind, allowing us to focus on and enjoy movement. Opportunities to experience dance are countless and ever expanding, so you can find a style that works toward your healthy living goals.

Two forms of dance I’ve recently become fond of are:

Savor Every Moment

It is important to remember, every day, that everything is impermanent. All notions, things and people are impermanent. Sickness and loss are inevitable, so we must live in the moment to be truly fulfilled.

We can Savor our time in this life, every moment, every breath, every meal and every relationship with mindfulness.

The following statements can help guide us through the process of savoring our lives.

Please contemplate the 5 remembrances:

1. I am of the nature to grow old. There is no way to escape growing old.

Delicious Whole Grain Recipe: Tomato Bulgur Pilaf

tomatoes, whole grain bulgur pilaf

 Whole grains contain minerals, vitamins, healthy fats and fiber.  Many studies find that eating whole grains is associated with lower heart disease and diabetes risk.


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