Lilian's blog

Total Relaxation Exercise: Embracing the Child Within

sunset, relaxation, the child within, meditation, thich nhat hanh

This wonderful relaxation piece is provided to us by Wakeup - young Buddhists & non-Buddhists for a healthy, compassionate society.

Take 45 minutes for yourself today or this weekend and enjoy :).

Top 10 Sources of Sodium & Tasty Tricks to Avoid Them

cheese, salt, sodium

Americans ingest too much salt and it’s threatening our health. So how do we cut down? Salt is ingrained in our habit energy around eating and we must consciously form new healthy patterns.

A 5 Minute Part Time Buddha Exercise

buddha, the buddha, Buddha

Our happiness resides in this moment. Please enjoy these words of advice from the Buddha about alleviating your suffering by living in the present:

Perceive things as they truly are

To live here and now, you must train yourself:

In the seen, there will be just the seen.

In the heard, just the heard.

In the sensed, just the sensed.

In the thought, just the thought.

That is the end of sorrow.

-The Buddha

What Does a Nutritionist Eat?

blueberries, mint, healthy snacks, groceries, food, mindful eating

Below is snapshot of the food in my kitchen today. I hope this offers you some inspiration for delicious/healthy snacks and ingredients. Enjoy!

Dining Spotlight: Vegan, Vegetarian and Healthy Restaurants

vegetables, healthy, vegetarian, vegan, restaurants

Photo by Michelle Meiklejohn from

Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, or just looking for healthy options in your local community,I offer these suggestions of restaurants and cafes.

Mindful Movement: Lose weight and reduce stress by incorporating exercise in to your daily routine.

Take inventory of your movements throughout the day. Awareness is important to facilitate improvement. How much of your day are you sitting? How much of your day is spent looking at a screen?

Mindful Movements: Yoga

Yoga is a wonderful opportunity for us to connect our body and mind. The mindful movement and breathing in yoga allows us the space to nurture ourselves. Even very simple movements, in tandem with mindful breathing, release stress, invite tranquility and strengthen our core being.


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